What Can I Expect From My Birth Attendants?
The following is a description of what you can expect from your birth attendants during prenatal and during the course of labor, delivery, postpartum and newborn evaluation.
Note: The client has the right to decline based on informed consent
During Prenatal:
Birth plans will be made and discussed
Screening and continual assessment of maternal and fetal health will be done. Screening for abnormalities or complications by checking blood pressure, pulse, fetal heart tones, baseline, and variability is determined, urine, weight, edema, position and lie of the fetus, obstetrical, personal, and family medical history taken, and reviewed
Labs and diagnostics discussed and ordered
Physical examination - vaginal and breast exams if indicated
Early Labor:
Walking and normal activity are encouraged as long as no contraindications exist
Upon arrival in early labor or active labor, we will evaluate baseline FHTs, listen before, during, and after several contractions, and check blood pressure, pulse, fetal well-being, and maternal well-being
Active Labor:
Monitoring FHTs every hour (as described above), and as labor progresses every 15 minutes, intermittently before, during, and after a contraction - listening for any decelerations
Evaluate progress of descent of presenting part, maternal psychological well-being, and fetal well-being
Vaginal exams will be done upon consent and always discussed with the client first
Blood pressure and pulse will be taken, regularly in the case of unusual situations (v-back, tachycardia, etc.)
Urination is encouraged every hour
Enemas are not given unless necessary
Drinking fluids often throughout labor, and eating is encouraged if it sounds appealing to the laboring woman
Pushing Considerations:
A slow controlled birth is encouraged
Warm compresses can be applied to the perineum
Continued evaluation of all of the above
FHTs (as described above) are taken more often throughout pushing
Delivery Considerations:
Immediate contact if no fetal distress is present
Immediate care of the baby – APGAR score given, warmth, and suction (suctioning is not routine, only done if secretions are thick)
Placental Considerations:
Spontaneous expulsion is encouraged – within a safe amount of time
The cord is allowed to stop pulsating- before the father or other designated person cuts the cord
Nursing is encouraged as this contracts the uterus and helps to minimize bleeding – we will help get you started
Inspection of the placenta for normalcy and completeness
Care of the placenta after expulsion is reviewed
Immediate Postpartum Considerations:
Bonding - we will give the family time alone for this to take place
Evaluation of the mother's blood pressure, pulse, fundal height, amount of blood loss, firmness of the uterus, alertness, and temperature will be done for two hours postpartum, or until vital signs are stable
Evaluation of newborn
Postpartum and newborn instructions are given before the birth team depart
Additional Information:
Within one to four days, a visitation will be done to re-evaluate all the above plus extra newborn care. Maternal nutrition and supplements are reviewed as well as the hygiene of both mother and baby
The PKU (newborn screening) is done after the baby has ingested breast milk or formula
A newborn hearing test is available
Your two-week and six-week postpartum visits take place at the office
The following are considerations for your birth.
Additional Services
Baby and Child Health Consultation | $25
Well Women Care | $150
Family Planning and Natural Birth Control | $150
Phone Consultation | $25
Birth Kits | $50
Birth Tub Rentals- Includes Liner, Pump, and Reversible Pump | $125
Rubbermaid Hard-Shell Birth Tub (Truck Required for Pick-up) | No Fee
Sears Health Coach Nutritional and Lifestyle Sessions (4 Sessions) | $25 Each